Ok, since President Obama has so kindly thrown gay marriage back into the political spotlight, I thought I would weigh in on the issue. I start by saying that the opinions expressed in this blog are mine and mine alone.; they are not the thoughts or opinions of my husband, my family, my church or my political party- just me.
I believe in Jesus Christ. I believe he is my Savior and Redeemer. I believe he is the Son of God. This does not mean that I hate people that don't believe in Jesus Christ. There are a lot of people in this world who don't believe in Him- and I don't wish them any ill, I am not scared of them, I don't think they need to be sent away to live on island with all other non-believers- they simply believe differently than I do. And quiet frankly, that's their right! and I love that! Freedom to believe and worship however we choose is one of the most beautiful benefits of living in America! So, if a piece of legislation were to roll through- that would proclaim officially that in the United States, Jesus Christ is forever to be recognized as the Savior of mankind would I vote for it? Absolutely not. Yes, I believe in Christ with all my heart- however, the first amendment of the Constitution of the United States grants us that great and beautiful privilege to practice any religion we want. Who am I to vote for a piece of legislation that would take that right away from someone? Who am I to say that Buddhists, Muslims, Jewish, Atheists, etc. do not get to enjoy the same religious freedom that I do? Denying someone their constitutional rights, is unamerican.
Now on to the topic of homosexuality. Due to my personal beliefs and the teachings of the church in which I grew up, I believe homosexuality to be a sin. It's not an act that I believe is acceptable in the eye's of God, no matter how common place it has become in society. Premarital sex, drug and alcohol consumption, and pornography are also widely accepted nowadays, I however believe these things to be wrong also. However, my views on these topics aren't nearly a scrutinized as my view on homosexuality. Just because I choose not support gay marriage doesn't mean that I hate the gays. It doesn't mean that I think they don't deserve to be able to spend their lives with someone they love. It doesn't mean that I am "homophobic" or that I think they are icky. I don't think they all have aids, I don't think they should be cast out, I don't think homosexuality is a disease or that it can be electrified out of someone. It doesn't mean that I think I am better than anyone or that I pass judgment on them in anyway. Another thing I was taught in church "Judge not lest ye be judged-" and believe me- I have been no saint in my life time. The last thing I need is anyone judging the choices I have made- I have plenty of sins of my own, I don't need to worry about what other people are doing in their personal lives. And it certainly doesn't mean that I condone any mistreatment, bullying, or violence towards gays. For me, personally, what the issue of gay marriage boils down to is MY freedom of religion.
Who are you to tell me what I can and can't believe? Who are you to tell me that my beliefs are right or wrong? Who are you to snatch my constitutional rights out from under my feet and criticize me exercising my freedom of religion? My RELIGION believes homosexuality to be wrong. If legislation passes to legalize gay marriage- that puts my religion and many other religions in a pretty awkward place if you ask me. It is going to force churches that believe homosexuality to be a sin to not only recognize, but also perform gay marriages. Freedom of religion is a right guaranteed in the constitution-- the document doesn't say that I am free to worship how I please until my beliefs seem unfair or inconvenient to other Americans.
Like I said earlier, I am not saying that gays don't deserve to be able to spend their lives with someone they love. I have been in love, heck! I am in love in right now, and I have had the lovely opportunity to get married to the man I love. As I also mentioned before- it's not MY place to judge who you choose to love. I don't have to agree with it- and I will tell you straight out, right now, I do not agree with homosexuality, but I certainly won't judge you for it. There are plenty of straight relationships that I don't agree with either, but it's not my place to judge them either. It is naive to think that voting against gay marriage is going to keep gays from forming long term committed relationships. That being said, I don't think that gays should be kept from having civil unions and as far as government is concerned, I think civil unions should be afforded the same rights and "benefits" as marriages. I will still say 100% though that I am against gay "marriage" because of the religious implications associated with the term marriage and I will continue to vote against it. I am not trying to invalidate homosexual relationships- they are people, they are children of God, they have feelings too, and I believe they deserve just as much happiness, respect, and dignity as anyone else in this world. My stand is not against homosexuals, it is for MY religious beliefs and freedoms. I believe that marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and that the
family is central to the Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of His
children- and that's my choice. I am not trying to convince anyone to agree with me- I am just stating my thoughts on the matter. All I ask is to let me believe how and what I want and do not vilify me for it. You are free to believe and vote however you like, and I'll do the same.
Love the sinner, hate the sin.
1 day ago