Tuesday, September 10, 2013

xander's blessing day

On Sunday, August 4th we had Xander's baby blessing

These are the family members that stood in the circle. The Young Men's president (Scott Burley) and the Bishop of our ward (Bishop John Little) also participated.

Jeremy Lunt, Robert O'Neill, Rodney Lunt, Daddy holding Xander, Marvin Lunt, Paul Sanders, Tristan Wight 
Family that was at the blessing that stuck around for a picture
 I love our little family so much, and I'm so grateful fore knowledge that we are going to be together, not just in this mortal life but, for eternity!  I'm also grateful for the sweet blessing that Nathan gave our son. It made me bawl like a baby- I will carry the memory of this day in my heart and cherish it forever.