Tuesday, January 7, 2014

6 months!

I did really well at taking these pictures on time- I was just bad at posting them! I was busy with another Christmas project.

I can"t believe my little guy is half a year old already! He seriously is getting more and more fun everyday. He loves to play- and even though he has plenty of toys his favorite things to play with are water bottles, paper, and his own feet. It's adorable. He babbles and laughs and blows raspberries. He doesn't crawl yet, but he gets around by rolling.

At his 6 month checkup he was 14lb 8 oz and 28-1/4" long- which is very tall and skinny for his age. So now he eats solids 3 times a day-which is fun too. He is meeting all his milestones and getting to be so smart and busy. I just love him to pieces!!

So without further ado, here are Xander-man's 6 month pictures!

He discovered the camera for the first time during this shoot

I love this picture. He didn't want to give up that sticker-lol

Oh yeah, he also loooooves laundry baskets.

I didn't have very many cell phone pictures of him this month. Maybe it's because he's so much more active I am spending more time playing with him, making memories, and making sure he doesn't fall off the bed than I am worrying about capturing every adorable moment.

Here is what I have from his 6 month of life: