Friday, May 30, 2014

10 & 11 months

Pregnancy number two has kept me feeling pretty miserable- which lead to a series of mommy fails when it came to shooting 10 and 11 month photos.

First of all, I didn't even get around to doing the 10 month photos until he was like a week away from 11 months. Then after I had taken the pictures, I realized that he was wearing the EXACT same outfit from his 9 month photos.

Here is my lame attempt at 10 month photos:

When it came time to do the 11 month pictures a couple weeks later- I made sure he looked super adorable, we did it right when he woke up so he was so happy and playful- and then when I went to review all the amazing cute pictures I thought I had captured, I discovered that there was no memory card in my camera. Why on earth would a camera with no internal memory even allow you to take photographs with no memory card?! So that made my blood boil a bit.

After that, I kinda just through my hands up and gave up on capturing the perfect cute photo and I just took some pictures after he woke up from a nap later that day. It was actually one of my favorite shoots that I have done with him--- but he's not wearing a shirt, his hair is messy, he's food/boogers on his face, and because of that- there is a single dog hair stuck just beneath his eye that you can see in just about every picture. That's kinda how life goes these days though!

Here are our perfectly imperfect 11 month photos (The first two were taken early in the day, when I tried to quickly get memory card in the camera- you can tell by the look on his face that he was done though:)

It has been a busy couple months! Xander can now clap and wave. He crawls like a mad man- pulls him self up to things and walks with some assistance. He's been contemplating walking on his own- but hasn't made the leap yet. He's always busy and loves playing and exploring. He's such a water baby! He loves bath time and being in the pool and playing with the hose. He babbles constantly- it's pretty adorable. I love him to bits and feel so blessed to be his mommy!

And finally here are the cell phone photos!