Sunday, August 14, 2011

it's been a while

So.... for the the past couple months I have been drafting blogs in my mind- I just haven't gotten around to typing them up and posting them yet! We have been soooo busy, but that just means that I will have a lot to post once I get around to it.


We must be doing it right- Adulthood SUCKS sometimes. Nathan and I are both working full time jobs AND running our pottery business- filling large, regular orders for 3 major customers all while trying to keep the house somewhat it in order, eat out less often (eat healthier,) and keep in regular contact with our families (family dinners/get togethers and such.)

I am really going to try and be better about my blogging. HOPEFULLY I will get at least couple posts done this week, and each week after.

A preview of blogs to come: picnic, photo scavenger hunt, family reunion in Tahoe, our trip to Yosemite, our trip to Vegas, an update on the pottery business, all the crafting and redecorating I've been doing, baseball games... AND MORE!! Stay tuned.


Kassi said...

That picture and saying completely fits me today! I may have to steal it and credit you for it!!