Tuesday, September 22, 2009

buy our junk!

Nathan and I spent the last couple weeks going through all our junk, deciding what we wanted to get rid of. We used to call our spare bedroom the junk room because it had so much stuff in it- but we cleaned it out pretty good. We had 3 big boxes full of stuff, and two garbage bags full of clothes that we decided to part with. Lucky us- Nathan's brother and sister were planning on having their second garage sale and they invited us to come sell our junk with them!

So, this past Saturday, I woke up at 3:50 a.m., got ready, and drove up to Marvin and Sarah's house for our garage sale. We had so much stuff, and I've gotta say, it was some pretty good junk! It wasn't like most garage sales you drive by, and think "Who would buy that?!"- we had a lot of really decent items, and a bunch of good clothes!

We had a couple dish sets, cups, mugs, picture frames, easels, scrapbooking stuff, books, movies, shoes, baby clothes, a few tvs, cameras, computer games, baseballs, clocks, a microwave, a desk, and a bunch of other stuff.
I was hopeful when our first sale of the morning was one of Nathan's old sling shots- sold for $5 to a man on bicycle. Unfortunately, we didn't have as much foot traffic as we had hoped. We only wound up making a about $100 combined, and had to re-pack a lot more stuff than we would have liked. We are planning on having one more combined garage sale once Nathan and I move into our new house (If that ever happens!) I think we'll have better luck in Mesa. I'll let you know when we have our next one- so YOU can come buy our junk. =p