Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011: the year of AWESOME!

Alright- so I have decided that I have been too negative lately- really down in the dumps! If you only really keep up with us on the blog, you probably haven't noticed because I don't have much time to blog. If you are a facebook friend- you may have noticed a little bit more. I have tried to hide my grumpiness the best I can when I am around other people, but I personally have noticed it a lot. I have had my priorities all out of whack. I have basically let our business run my life for the past 6 months and have lost hold of a lot of other things that are important to me and that keep me sane. It took an absolutely epic melt down for me to really figure this out. So, the last 2 weeks of 2010 I have been thinking things through, and I am declaring the year 2011...

the Year of Awesome!!

That's right ladies and gentlemen! You read correctly- we are going to have 52 weeks of pure awesomeness! Or at least we are going to try or darnedest! I am going to try my very best to have a more positive outlook on things and to find the good in things; think happy thoughts!

haha... that just made me think of this:

good song. ok, sorry for that a.d.d. moment- back to what I was saying- I am making some changes- all for the better- and this year is going to be awesome! ...because I said so!!

How am I going to make it awesome? Well let's start by making 11 awesome resolutions!

1. Put God first- back where he belongs! When I said before that I had let the business take over- I meant it. EVERYTHING else got pushed aside, including the really important things like daily prayers and scripture study, regularly attending ALL my church meetings, going to the temple, etc.

Why I stopped doing these things to begin with is beyond me- I have proven it to myself over and over again that when I do these things I am way happier and more pleasant to be around. So, these things go to the top of the priority list from now on!

I am going to start everyday with prayers and reading some scriptures and every end every day with prayers too! I am going to make an effort to go to all my church meetings (even though they start at 8:30 am now!!) and make super sure tithing gets paid. And I am going to try and make it to the temple at least twice a month, if not more. We really have no excuse on this one- we live less than 5 minutes away; we are even off the same road about 3.5 miles apart.

2. Get in shape! I know I share this resolution with like half the world- and I have been saying I am going to do it for a while now, but I am really determined this time. I have gained so much weight since we have gotten married- it's really embarrassing. I don't even feel good about myself anymore- and I know that by getting into a work out routine will help me drop some pounds and improve my mood. I want to be able to run a mile without stopping by the end of the year or sooner; I wasn't even able to ever do that in high school, though I never really tried that hard to accomplish it then. I also want to be able to 100 push ups before the end of the year. My visiting teacher shared a link on facebook of a training program that can supposedly get you there in only 6 weeks, but we'll see how that goes with my busy schedule.

3. Eat more veggies! Another thing that I have proven to myself over and over- when I eat better I feel better. I really actually love veggies too- I just got out of the habit of eating them because my hubbie doesn't like them and fast food has gotten too convenient with all the time spent up at the shop... which leads me to my next resolution...

4. Bye bye fast food! Hello cook books! I have been addicted to collecting recipes for a while, and I have decided that this year I will put them to good use. I am going to nip my fast food habit in the bud by simply spending my food money at the grocery store and trying out all these recipes I have gathered from the internet, and cooking magazines, and cook books! And I will try to use the veggies from resolution 3 as much as possible- and I will try to hide them too, so Nathan will eat them and not even know they are there. =p If I come across some fantastic recipes- of course I will share on the b-l-o-g.

5. Try new things! Life is short- and I find myself doing the same things over and over sometimes. When we go to restaurants I usually order "my usual"- I watch the same shows on tv all the time, I play the same games all the time, do the same things for dates- I wanna shake it up and try at least one new thing every month. I, of course, will post these new things on the blog and give my verdict. I am not guaranteeing that I will like all the new things that I try- but I will try them!

6. I am breaking up with Facebook! I have spent waaaaay too much time on facebook- actually, let me rephrase that- I have WASTED waaaaaaay too much time on facebook! I am sad to say that I am one of those miserable people that got sucked in and addicted. It has been one of the first things I do in my day- check facebook- check my facebook games! Not anymore. I am not deleting my account, because it is a lovely way to keep in touch and see what everyone is up to, but I am limiting the amount of time I spend on facebook each day to 15 minutes or less. That gives me plenty of time to see if I have any messages and read everyone's status updates for the day- I may even be able to squeeze in a game or two of bejewled blitz- but that is all. No more than 15 minutes! There are far better and more productive things I should be doing.

7. When ye are in the service of your fellow beings, you are only in the service of your God.
I will look for service opportunities as often as I can. I really do spend an awful lot of time thinking about myself. I am going to take as many chances as I can to think of others and do some service. I am going to miss being a primary teacher- but I really think there is a reason that I was called to be on the humanitarian committee in relief society. I think it's going to be a great learning and growing experience. =)

8. Wash that mouth out with soap! well- figuratively speaking! Please don't actually put soap in my mouth! I am going to do my best to stop swearing- it's another one of those bad habits that I fall in and out of- and taking over the pottery business threw me back into it. Now it's time to climb out and clean up my act. Someone once told me, back when I was a beehive, that there is no beautiful way to say a swear word. They are ugly words and you simply can't sound beautiful with those words coming out of your mouth.- This is a very true statement.

9. "Get ready for the 10 second tidy!" While running the business my house seemed to fall into disarray. It's amazing how dirty your house can get when it seems like you are never home! Luckily, I was able to find time over my Christmas break to get my house somewhat in order. Now, my goal is to keep it that way. Take a few minutes before bed every night and make sure everything is tidied up. Make sure the counters are de-cluttered and wiped down, dishes are at least in the sink, clothes are in the hampers, towels hung in their appropriate places, etc. And I am going to at least try and make my bed in the morning. Maybe it's just me, but I feel like the organization of my entire day is better when my bed is made.

10. More time for just the two of us! =D Now that Nathan and I aren't together 24 hours a day, I want to make sure that we make time for just the 2 of us. I was looking at pictures from our engagement and when we were first hitched- and we look so happy and smiley in all of them. We've gotten too business- we need to make time to enjoy eachother and be happy together and not worry about work all the time- we still need to run a profitable business of course, but also have to find the time to relax and let loose a bit. I love love love spending time, just me and my husband!

Side note: Nathan's one and only resolution? More "alone time" with his wife. wink wink (he didn't think I would post it! haha)

11. Build and strengthen friendships. I have fallen out of touch with so many of my friends and just am not as close as I would like to be with others. I want to build those relationships up. If you are reading this- you are probably one of those people! Can you do me a favor? If there is anything on my list of resolutions that you would also like to work on this year- tell me! Let's be each other's resolution buddies! I know it's going to be hard for me to tackle all these things completely on my own- I am willing to take any help I can get, especially if it means making more friends along the way. Either comment on this post, email me, text me, or send me a message on facebook; help me make this year awesome! Pleeeeeeeeeease? =D I really hope you will- even if it's a long distance thing, we can work something out.

So there are my 11 resolutions for 2011. I really truly hope that I hear from some friends and family soon that can help me reach my goals! Let's do it together; make 2011 the year of AWESOME!!!


Amy O'Neill said...

I have similar resolutions... once I get mine all laid out on paper (apparently I need to make one not to procrastinate!) we will have to keep eachother in check!