Monday, January 3, 2011

beginning of the year randomness....

Well, as gung ho as I was about setting some awesome resolutions- my plans were stalled out by some tiny ugly germs!!

PSA about Tiny Ugly Germs:


Ok, I did not eat dirty food off the ground- but those buggers got in my system somehow and made me sick. Nathan too! So I have spent the first few days of the new year worrying more about taking these things...

...than worrying about of my resolutions! The good news is- I am starting to feel better, so my plan is start in on my list of awesomeness starting tomorrow morning! Full steam ahead! woohoo!

While we were feeling a bit under the weather- Nathan and I found new and exciting ways to entertain ourselves- like wrapping our dogs up in a blanket and seeing how long it takes them to find their way out!

First victim, Little Dave:

Then- Buster! He was a bit smarter about it than Dave, so Nathan had to raise the bar and make it a bit more challenging for Buster Mustard. Unfortunately, the memory card filled up before Buster was able to make his escape:

I went grocery shopping tonight and stocked up a bunch of stuff. I thought we were stocked on stuff before, but found out the hard way that a lot of the things that I thought were non-perishable actually do have an expiration date! I threw a bunch of stuff away- but now our shelves are full again- and not only are they full, but they are also ORGANIZED!

We finally got the shelves cut for the pantry so things are all tidy and grouped and stacked and wonderful! I can actually find things now without digging! It's so wonderful.

OH! And look what I discovered tonight while I was shopping:

CRUNCHY Hazelnut Spread with cocoa! How have I gone my entire life without knowing that this existed?! So freaking good! It's like Ferrero Rocher in a jar!! What could be better?!And it's cheaper than buying the chocolates too. =p
That's all for now.


Amy O'Neill said...

I didn't know Kroger made that... have you tried Nutella? It is the same thing... we spread it on toast. Healthy breakfast huh? :)

Amy O'Neill said...

oh and get better!

Kassi said...

And now that song is stuck in my head! Hahahahaha and what is sad is I don't really mind!

Disneypal said...

Isn't that Kroger Crunchy Hazelnut Spread the bomb ! I love it...too.