Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I am WAY behind on my blogging! A LOT has been going on. My new job and our pottery biz has been keeping me quite busy lately. I will try to play catch up throughout this week.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

May 21, 2011

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

lunt family pictures

Back at the end of April we got family pictures taken again- this time for the Lunt side of the family. We used the same photographer that we used for the Sanders family photos, except this time we were at Encanto Park in Phoenix.

It was really early in the morning, which kinda sucked- but I think the pictures turned out really awesome! Here are some of my favorites:

Check out our photographer's website here:
Creative Image in Motion

day 18 - a picture of your biggest insecurity

my weight.

Nathan says he doesn't have any insecurities. ... lucky.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

day 17- a picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently


Ever since we took over this business- it's consumed our lives!

day 16- a picture of your guilty pleasure

I couldn't find a picture for the original #16- so I changed it to "a picture of your guilty pleasure"

I have 2.
Super lame documentary/reality shows- like Sister Wives, Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Jon & Kate + 8, and Teen Mom.

And the music of Kanye West. I know he's a complete tool, and as a human being I don't really care for him, I really dig his music! Here's a video of one of my favorite Kanye songs- it's not an official vid- it's one that was made by someone I follow on youtube that I think is pretty cool. Again, this is Kanye West- so there is some language- just a heads up in case there are little ears around or if you are offend by such words.

Nathan says his guilty pleasure is coin collecting...

... but wanna know what I think it is, secretly?

Making babies laugh!

He loves it- though he'll never admit it!

day 14 - a picture of someone you could never imagine your life without

our family!!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

day 15- a picture of something you want to do before you die

I would love to go on a Mediterranean cruise- but especially see Italy

We would both love to sky dive

Saturday, May 14, 2011

the zoo and baby dylan

A few weeks back we took a trip to the zoo with my aunts and cousin. While we were there, Nathan busted out the camera and got some pretty good animal shots! Here is some of what we saw:

Later that day, we drove over to my cousin, Desiree's, house to see her and Devin's new baby Dylan!

I even got Nathan to hold him for a little while!
He's getting better- he's starting to look like a natural!

This is me saying "See, it's not so bad..."
and him saying "Don't go getting any ideas!!"

Earlier in the week, we had stopped by to get some new born foot prints from him.
Didn't they turn out so cute?!

If you know anyone who wants clay hand or footprints done- drop us a line. We are cheaper than As You Wish and we'll do them year round!