Going through the memory card on the camera I found a few more pictures that I had intended to blog.
The story of the brownies: I was hungry for something sweet, so I made some brownies really late one night. It was so late when I made them, that we didn't even get the chance to truly enjoy them before we went to bed. Nathan and I shared one small corner piece to make sure they had been cooked all the way through, since our oven is so dumb. Then it was off to bed for some sweet sweet dreams.
Nathan got up the next morning and got ready to head off for work, which included him making a delicious lunch for himself. I figured he would take a brownie or two- no big deal. What I didn't expect was this:
That little bigger cut out the entire center of the brownies and took it to work with him, leaving me with nothing but the crunchy edges. Punk! haha
At least he left me with something. They were pretty scrumdiddleeumpcious!
1 day ago
Hey the crunchy part is my favorite, I usually give that to the kids so I can have the crunchy part!
Thanks, Tarin, for the good laugh. Some things never change.
Like Vera I Like the crunchy part best. But I am sure Nathan was thinking of something else. When he was a teenager, he cut himself trying to cut out a cruncy one, and had to have stitches.
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