Wednesday, October 21, 2009

demo days 2 & 3

First of all, I'd like to give a shout of thanks to my mommy and daddy for letting us borrow their digital camera- so I don't have to email myself pictures!

So the demo journey continues....

Oh wait, first I wanted show a couple quick snapshots of the backyard!

It's a pretty good size yard- and the dogs love it! This is the view from the gate...

...and this a view of our little patio from the door.

Ok, NOW for the continuation of the demo story!

THIS is the job Nathan put me in charge of to keep me busy. I was supposed to use the pry bar and the hammer to pull the tack strips and the nails that were holding them down. It wasn't really a hard job, but it was real work! I got my hands dirty, I sweat, and I may have even gotten a blister! I feel like I did something productive and helpful- and I feel like I am a champion tack strip puller-upper! There are no pictures of me in action because Nathan was busy doing other things like...

Ripping up even more carpet- this time in the master bedroom. We thought we might be able to salvage the carpet and give it to my dad to put down at their house in my old bedroom- but after a few runs with the carpet cleaner- we decided it was not possible. So naked room #3!

These are the doors that Nathan took off the shower in the master bathroom. They are in pretty good condition- we might be saving them for the new shower, but I'm not really sure. Speaking of showers...

Ooops! Nathan went to the house this morning to start some demo on the shower, and knocked out a little more than he had intended. Luckily, we are going to have to replace the drywall behind the shower anyway- otherwise that hole in the wall on right, might be a problem. I am very excited to see that ugly blue tile gone! Nathan brought me home one of those hideous tiles as a souvenir.

This pic was taken when I took a quick break from my tack strip pulling- Nathan was almost done ripping out the counter tops in the kitchen at this point.
Here are all out kitchen counter tops, closet doors, and the kitchen sink. Out with the old to make room for the new!
So this is the empty kitchen! The only things left to do in here are removing the hardware on the cabinets and the ever so glamorous job of scrubbing out the unidentified gook from inside!
Nathan also was able to take the counter tops off in both of the bathrooms.
With Nathan removing, like all the hard surfaces, these shelves in the hard closet and the fireplace are where we have to put all our stuff now. :p
And finally, here are some of the treasures that Nathan found while cleaning out the kitchen. Random kitchen utensils, a little brass washer, and even a check for $181 from back in 2006. Interesting stuff!


Kassi said...

Yay for no more ugly blue tiles!!!