Wednesday, October 14, 2009

got socks?

I had always heard stories from different women about their husbands leaving their socks everywhere. I thought they were being ridiculous or over reacting- until recently that is! I have been finding Nathan socks everywhere! And in the strangest places...

...on the end table in the front room...

...on the counter in the kitchen...
...and 2 pairs on the desk next to the laptop.
Oh the joyous discoveries of sharing your life with someone! I wonder what'll come next. =p
Even if he doesn't put his socks in the hamper on a daily basis, I still love Nathan pieces. I'll gladly help his sock find their way to the laundry for years to come.


Virginia said...

Thank you for loving my son so much.
I always made him retrieve his socks from where ever he laid them.
Consider what he does times three. That was me. I didn't even know whose was whose. :-)