Tuesday, October 20, 2009

game night- octobert edition!

After the Super Saturday activity, we headed home to clean up and get everything ready for a fabulous game night! Kassi, and Marvin & Sarah came over and we had dinner, dessert, and game time!

For dinner I made delicious chicken parmigiana with garlic bread.

Funny dinner story: I had made two pans of the chicken parmigiana- each with 4 pieces of chicken on top of spaghetti. Marvin was the last of the five of us to get serve himself some dinner, and the 4 pieces of chicken from the first pan were already gone, but there was still quite a bit of spaghetti. He went ahead and scooped up the spaghetti from the first pan and sat down to dinner. About half way through the meal, he looked at Sarah's plate with the chicken on it, and said "Where did you get that?" and she was like "Out of the pan...." He had thought the chicken in the second pan was just a bread crumb, cheesy topping- he didn't realize there was any chicken involved. We explained to him the meal was chicken parmigiana and not just spaghetti and had a good laugh about it. Luckily, no one had touched the second pan yet, so he was able to get his serving of protein for the evening.

After we had finished up with dinner- we started the first game. Scattergories!!

This is one of my all time favorite games to play with Nathan and Marvin, because they come up with the most ridiculous answers. They have made me laugh so had that I cry!

Here are some of my favorite answers they have given:

Category: Something that jumps or bounces -- Letter: H
Marvin's answer: Hippo

Category: Someone in Uniform -- Letter: D
Marvin's answer: Drug Dealer

Category: Party Items -- Letter: G
Nathan's answer: Gazoo "Ya know one of those things you blow into?"
Tarin: "You mean a kazoo?"
Tarin: "That starts with a K dear."

Another time, I remember the category was Famous Females, but I don't remember the letter or what his answer was. But Nathan put down a name that none of us had ever heard of, and said "I think she has something to do with abortions..." His mom was sitting in the other room, so we asked if she had ever heard of the lady. It turns out she had been kidnapped or something like that, a long time ago- she had nothing to do with abortions.

Yeah, we always have a lot of fun with that one.

After we had finished with a full sheet round of Scattergories, it was time for a delectable dessert!
Option #1: The cake I had decorated at Super Saturday earlier that day.

Option #2: Apple pie! --Nathan had been bugging me for days to bake him an apple pie. So he was very excited.

Apparently, so was Kassi! =p

Typical Nathan....

Marvin went with option #3-- root beer floats. The boy doesn't like chocolate cake or apple pie! Can you believe it?!
Once we polished off dessert, we had time for one more game before the other Lunt family had to split. We chose Clue!

Only we encountered one small problem at the beginning of the game. Kassi and I both wanted to be Miss Scarlet! How did we solve this dilemma? Paper, Rock, Scissors, of course!

I won the first time. So we decided to go two out of three...

After a couple more tries, we had tied it up...
Sorry Kassi, I win!
After our game of Clue had ended, and Marvin and Sarah had gone home- the rest of us sat down and started chit-chatting- and Buster started being super cute!
He was hungry, so he brought us his bowl. I am so glad someone was finally able to get a picture of this! He actually does it all the time. Notice the chew marks all along the edge?
I like this one because it looks almost like he was squished by a big grey boulder! We had to take the cover off the love sack earlier that evening, because Buster's cousin Brick decided it would a nice cozy place to take a leak! Ewww! Needless to say, I wasn't too thrilled about that.
And this is just a cute one that Kassi snapped of my two babies- Buster and Nathan. Aren't they so cute?
After the cute puppy pictures, we played a quick round of Mario Party with Kassi, and then she headed out. I was soooo pooped after Super Saturday and Game Night, I just wanted to crawl into my bed and go to sleep! It was busy, but it sure was fun!


Kassi said...

It was a ton of fun and we have to do it again very, very soon!!!

lunt04-03-09 said...

Marvin says that drug dealer is worth 2 points. And you forgot his 4 pointer tim the toolman tailor.haha