Thursday, October 8, 2009

my seasonal temptation...

The weather went from hot to gorgeous overnight- the mornings are a little chilly, and the only thing I want, is something I cannot have:

A Starbucks peppermint white chocolate mocha!! I gave up drinking coffee a little over a year and a half ago, and it wasn't too hard. I had only been getting Starbucks like once a month when I really needed a pick me up. But once the weather starts getting chilly, and the holidays are approaching-it's like I go back in time 3 years when I was getting my peppermint (or sometimes hazelnut) white chocolate mochas 2 or 3 times a week, and I crave them like crazy!!

The adversary works hard on me with this one! I can think of so many justifications to pick one up... I can almost taste it in my mouth just thinking about it. Oh how I miss you peppermint white chocolate mocha! I have tried to get the Starbucks white hot chocolate with hazelnut or peppermint... it's good... but it's just not the same. I made a promise not to drink anymore coffee though, so I just have to bear down and try to make it through!


the duttons 411 said...

I have to admit the hardest habit for me to give up when I became active in the church again was coffee. I still love the smell of the beans and brew. I just remind myself how much more I get out of being able to go to the temple because I'm keeping that commandment. :) Hang in there!