Monday, February 22, 2010

a house update- of course!

Nathan says: "YOU haven't been blogging about the progress on the house!" And by YOU he means me... and he is right. I have been slackin' in my picture taking and my blog updating. Bad Tarin.

So, this hardly makes up for it, and doesn't show much, but these are the only pictures I have progress-wise.

As most of you know, we decided to do a little remodel/addition to our new house, that would attach the laundry room (which was originally in the garage) to the rest of the house through a little breezeway. In doing so, Nathan took some trips up to the attic to get all the electrical iring stuff hooked up...

These are some pics that Nathan's mom took (Thanks Virginia!) of Nathan after one of his trips into our, apparently dusty, attic!

He always gets decked out in long pants and long sleeved shirts AND his hard hat when he has to go up there. But anyway, if you look beyond Nathan in these pictures, you can see we have a new back door (on the left hand side) and you can see that we had torn down the wall to laundry room. These pictures were quite a while ago- like mid-Januaryish.

This picture was taken standing in the doorway from kitchen to the new breezeway- to display the fabulous job my husband did retexturing the two rooms. That's right RE-texturing. We actually hired some guys to do it, but they sucked and didn't match the texture that was in the rest of the house. And so my fabulous hubby got up early the next morning and went down to Home Depot and rented the equipment and stuff to try his hand at texturing. He did an amazing job. It looks ten times better than what the "professionals" did. Nathan single handedly put a stop to my "OH MY GOSH IT DOESN'T MATCH!" panic attack.

This is a close up of Nathan's handy work. It's hard to get a good picture of the texture of a wall...

We also finally got around to painting the outside of the house. Or at least hiring someone to paint the outside of our house! I was so sick of painting after we did the inside, I had no objections when Nathan said he was going to hire someone to do the outside.

These pictures show it all taped off still. You will have to wait and see the completely finished product on the Before and Afters Part 2- which is still to come. I am waiting for the addition to be completely finished and the new hole in my kitchen ceiling (more about that later) to be patched before I post Part 2. It is coming though- I promise! Probably in about week or 2! And I apologize again for my slacking in the home updates department.