Monday, February 22, 2010

looks like our insurance is going up again!

Since Nathan and I got married last year, we've both gotten tickets. Nathan was busted by a sneaky photo radar van in Scottsdale and I was caught making an illegal U-turn. (You can't make a u-turn like anywhere in Scottsdale- it's ridiculous!) But anyway, after those unfortunate incidents, we've been SUPER careful drivers. You know how expensive car insurance can get for a young married couple! The last thing we need is rate hike for a stupid mistake. But with those photo radar cameras all over the place-it was bound to happen sooner or later...

Bad Buster.


Kassi said...

Hahahahahahaha! I love it!

Jessica said...

Naughty Buster. :-)

Marvin said...

Was Dave riding shotgun?