Saturday, February 27, 2010


This year for Valentines day, Nathan decided it would be to take a trip to see some snow!

As you can see, he was very excited.

Dave- not so much. He hates riding in the car.

I wasn't even sure that there was going to be any snow, because it had been a while since the last storm. But what is that I see in the distance on those mountains? SNOW! YAY!

We were going to check out the snow play area that Nathan's sister and her family found around Christmas time- but it was packed! So we headed back up the road to a picnic area that we had seen. As you can see, there was quite a bit of snow.

Here's Nathan gearing up. He was lucky to have those boots! My sneakers got all soaking wet- and that's no fun at all once you leave the snow.

I wasn't sure how the dogs were going to react to seeing snow for the first time- they can be little weenies some times. They were so excited though! They both just took off- they LOVED it.

It was pretty deep in some spots- I sunk in to mid-thigh a couple times. That didn't phase the dogs though. Both of them biffed it in some deep snow a couple times, but they just shook it off and took off running again. It was really cute.

We were a little disappointed that there weren't any good areas to use the tube or sled thingy, but we found other ways to entertain ourselves.

Hand prints in the snow! His hands are so much bigger than mine! But they fit perfectly together when we hold hands =)

We also built a snowman!

He's a snowboarding snowman, with a hat, glasses, and a mouthful of money!

After our little romp in the snow, we headed into Williams and got some famous, and most delicious pie! Then we dropped by a little restaurant in Flagstaff to get some lunch, and headed back down to the valley. It wasn't anything too spectacular- but it was fun, and nice to be able to spend some uninterrupted time with my honey.


Kassi said...

Awwww your snowboarding snowman is so cute! He's no Shaun White but he is the second cutest snowboarder I have seen!

Kassi said...
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