Monday, February 22, 2010

making the best of best of a bad situation...

During, what was obviously, a very turbulent wash cycle- some of my measuring spoons were thrown from utensil holder in the dishwasher and my poor 1/2 tbsp landed on the thing at the bottom and was killed! A hole was melted right through the bottom! It's now useless!

....Or is it?

TA DA! In a just a few minutes, using some Sharpie magnificence, I transformed my melted 1/2 tbsp into a delightful spoon face! I like how it looks she's talking. She is probably giving baking advice...

It may not be so helpful when it comes to food preperation, but you know I won't be able to pull out my measuring spoons anymore without smiling!
Yes, I know I'm a dork. =p